Zen Buddhism tells that you should get involved fully in whatever you do. For example, while drinking tea, you should totally engrossed in drinking tea without any other second thought. This is called Yogam and Layam.
A yogi need not necessarily be a saint but a very normal human being in regular life style in job with family and friends. This is the utmost gift a human can get in life. There is nothing beyond this stage in this world for a human.
If you are Spiritually Enlightened you will feel Heaven evenif you are in Hell. If you are Spiritually not Enlightened then being in Heaven will also make you feel like Hell.
Our experience of present moment is decided by our state of mind ( Worries n expectations n fears n satisfaction about our physical n Social status n Job or business or financial status n family n friends n relatives n even Strangers ) at that moment thats how much composed we are.
The Secret of Spirituality is that you have to get the knowledge that Worldly things like Money n Physical Pleasures through 5 Senses n even Sex is Endless n Insatiable, if you persue that Direction n Diverting that Desire to Spiritual n Social Service will make u feel Heaven always. Abstinance is the key for achieving Asendance n Transendence.
Bliss is the State you reach by becoming a self realized Human Being.
Worlds first CEO n Employee is Farmer. He will be the first CEO n Employee till the existance of Earth. Without farmers n the food, world cannot run not even for a day.
Farmers in India should get benefits from government with true n logical way n they should do farming with a balance of Conventional - Organic n hybrid ( If it is truly good for health in reality ). A feasible Indian Rivers Linking project should be implemented very soon.
Tree Plantation:
Tree Plantation drives combat many environmental issues like deforestation, erosion of soil, desertification in semi-arid areas, global warming and hence enhancing the beauty and balance of the environment. Trees absorb harmful gases and emit oxygen resulting in increase in oxygen supply. It enhaces the environment to get more rain.