The finding of fact from the data available.
Data may be:
1) The judgment out of first hand data. ( First Grade ).
2) Judgment out of correlated data.
Split up n Multi Language. ( Linguistic Frauds ) (Second grade neural linguistic data - Shrewd Thieves). Dont talk prefered n liked n matched lettered Words to manipulate others. You can identify the true face of a person by comparing Talk in Cell phone n in person.
Split up n Multi Language. ( Linguistic Frauds ) (Second grade neural linguistic data - Shrewd Thieves). Dont talk prefered n liked n matched lettered Words to manipulate others. You can identify the true face of a person by comparing Talk in Cell phone n in person.
3) Data from the system by intelligence agency.
(Hiding thieves sometimes get escaped).
4) Data from the database research (Linguistic Frauds n Thieves get caught). Symbolic n letter grade. Both Tamil n English are Symbolic languages but only a meager percentage of people in the World use them in symbolic level ( 4th Grade ) n Second grade n the rest are first Grade.
Lot of 2nd n 4th Grade people act without Conscience in Reality.
Most people who are unaware n who start to sense due to robotic multiple signals thats Linguistic backstabbed words of Superiors in Education or Work, get most psychological problems like Depression n Bipolar n Schizophrenia.
The English letters in Second n Fourth grade of any Language names of a Person or a Location n Caste n even God had been influenced n Modified by English language n its connected Culture there by destroying the native Identity n Heritage n Culture of India.
If you want something big not to happen then you reveal it to everyone n if you want something big to happen then dont reveal it to anyone n keep it Confidential.
Human Mind cannot think beyond its Operating System or Belief System n Application Softwares or Rewritten code by Meditation n Data available for most People except Super humans like Yogis. So the Judgement of Common man about great people around them is mostly wrong.
Dont come to negative opinion on anybody until you see n hear n research n conclude by yourself directly. Most people are driven by circumstances except who have self control n a matured Personality. When the Time goes by, people show their true Colours to the World.
Dont see only the small black dot in the corner of a big white board. If you see only the black dot then you need to change your attitude.
English is one of the Highly Symbolic programmed n phonetic ( like Tamil ) n Constructed Language in the World System Architecture for more than 2000 Years.
To remove the Nail or Dent or Tooth, Run a 100 Year Race. Next 100 Years next Nail n so on.
Linguistic unintentional backstabbing happens for First grade communication people in 1 - 9 Levels. This is what Clever ( Looking good But actually Ugly Minded ) people do in India n Worldwide do. Highly educated n Uneducated mostly use symbolic Communication.
It is possible to read even Mind Voice of a person who may be a Stranger.
Lot of 2nd n 4th Grade people act without Conscience in Reality.
Most people who are unaware n who start to sense due to robotic multiple signals thats Linguistic backstabbed words of Superiors in Education or Work, get most psychological problems like Depression n Bipolar n Schizophrenia.
The English letters in Second n Fourth grade of any Language names of a Person or a Location n Caste n even God had been influenced n Modified by English language n its connected Culture there by destroying the native Identity n Heritage n Culture of India.
If you want something big not to happen then you reveal it to everyone n if you want something big to happen then dont reveal it to anyone n keep it Confidential.
Human Mind cannot think beyond its Operating System or Belief System n Application Softwares or Rewritten code by Meditation n Data available for most People except Super humans like Yogis. So the Judgement of Common man about great people around them is mostly wrong.
Dont come to negative opinion on anybody until you see n hear n research n conclude by yourself directly. Most people are driven by circumstances except who have self control n a matured Personality. When the Time goes by, people show their true Colours to the World.
Dont see only the small black dot in the corner of a big white board. If you see only the black dot then you need to change your attitude.
English is one of the Highly Symbolic programmed n phonetic ( like Tamil ) n Constructed Language in the World System Architecture for more than 2000 Years.
To remove the Nail or Dent or Tooth, Run a 100 Year Race. Next 100 Years next Nail n so on.
Linguistic unintentional backstabbing happens for First grade communication people in 1 - 9 Levels. This is what Clever ( Looking good But actually Ugly Minded ) people do in India n Worldwide do. Highly educated n Uneducated mostly use symbolic Communication.
It is possible to read even Mind Voice of a person who may be a Stranger.
Dont pass Comments n Judgement just by looking at Front page of a book or reading few pages.
Not everyone who does mistake are culprits.
Most people who does mistake are innocent.
Not everyone who are not caught are good.
Most people who look good are culprits.
Judges cant set free all criminals who have done theft n murder n rape by attributing their mistakes to situation n circumstances.
My Target is First hitter n One Big Hidden Lurking intentional Culprit Who will be at close proximity to see whats happening.
The initial Thief n Backstabber n Traitor will be closely connected with you at the end. You will be searching for him jus like searching for Towel which is hanging in your shoulder.
Anyone in the Top Strata in any Domain should not be allowed to survive if they become Anti National.
Poonai kanna moodittu ulagam irunduruchunnu nenachiruchaama.
Kettavan Nadigan naa Nallavan Ulagamahaa Nadigan.
Nallavan Nadigannaa Kettavan Ulagamaha Nadigan.
Kaekaravan Kaanayannaa Eruma Koodaa Aeroplane Ootum.
The biggest Thieves n Culprits are hiding inside Temples n Courts n Law Enforcement n Abroad with Power n Money in India.
The divine protecting force protects everyone.
You should project yourself in such a way to get the true motive of anyone who comes to you in your way. N You can enjoy the comedy show run by others around you.
N_t n N__l Technology is a Tool used by Criminals who may be highy educated or Psycho or Barbaric.
Each mistake you do n showing your true enemy to all is a chance you give to others to destroy you n vanish all your wealth.
True Defence n Law n Order is not about stopping the attack n retaliating but puting a stance n pilot attack n creating Fear to stop a forth coming attack of enemy.
குறள் 423
எப்பொருள் யார்யார்வாய்க் கேட்பினும் அப்பொருள்
மெய்ப்பொருள் காண்ப தறிவு.
Stanza 423
Wisdom grasps the truth
Of whatever and whomever said.
To discern the truth is everything, by whom so ever spoken, this is wisdom.
Epporul Yaaryaarvaaik Ketpinum Apporul
Meypporul Kaanpa Tharivu.
Only a Genius can be highly intelligent doing organised Phd n another way is to go to Moon or Space n return back physically staying in Earth doing the same Research.
There are many types of Cheaters in the name of God n for God n Paavam n Punniyam Game.
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