If there is one Country?
If there is one Religion ?
If there is one Ideology?
If there is one Religion ?
If there is one Ideology?
There will be no fight and no problems in this world. But there are lots of countries. There are lots of Religions. There are lot of groups.So there will always be fight and problems in this World.
From Studies to work, we should always make sure, the group
we are associating with us is right to avoid fight and problems.
My country is India (The World).
My religion is Love.
My Ideology is Peace.
Perception of Truth by different people are different. But Ultimate Truth is one n unique for everyone n every Religion.
People who fight for their Ideology, Culture n what they Love will only survive n develop. Others will be eleminated in the course of Evolution like what Darvin told,
" Survival of the Fittest ".
The number of People who die in the World due to Starvation of Love n Affection n Care ( That includes middle class n rich n affluent ) is more than anyother reason of deaths like poverty....
I am a Coimbatorian n Tamilian n Indian & a World Citizen.
" Yaathum Oore, Yaavarum kelir"
: Kaniyan Poongunranaar
"யாதும் ஊரே, யாவரும் கேளிர்" : கணியன் பூங்குன்றனார்
இந்த ஒரு வார்த்தை சொல்ல என்ன ஒரு மனித நேயம் வேண்டும்! அனைத்து உலகும் எனது உறவு. அனைத்து மக்களும் எனது உறவு. எந்த ஊரும் எனது ஊரே என்பது எவ்வளவு உயர்ந்த சிந்தனை!
No philosophy n belief system n anything will not survive in evolution until unless there is some truth behind like all Major Religions n horoscope n numerology n so on.
Perception of Truth by different people are different. But Ultimate Truth is one n unique for everyone n every Religion.
People who fight for their Ideology, Culture n what they Love will only survive n develop. Others will be eleminated in the course of Evolution like what Darvin told,
" Survival of the Fittest ".
The number of People who die in the World due to Starvation of Love n Affection n Care ( That includes middle class n rich n affluent ) is more than anyother reason of deaths like poverty....
I am a Coimbatorian n Tamilian n Indian & a World Citizen.
" Yaathum Oore, Yaavarum kelir"
: Kaniyan Poongunranaar
"யாதும் ஊரே, யாவரும் கேளிர்" : கணியன் பூங்குன்றனார்
இந்த ஒரு வார்த்தை சொல்ல என்ன ஒரு மனித நேயம் வேண்டும்! அனைத்து உலகும் எனது உறவு. அனைத்து மக்களும் எனது உறவு. எந்த ஊரும் எனது ஊரே என்பது எவ்வளவு உயர்ந்த சிந்தனை!
No philosophy n belief system n anything will not survive in evolution until unless there is some truth behind like all Major Religions n horoscope n numerology n so on.
Whatever your Religion n Belief may be and if you want to enjoy the Fruits of it, You should strongly believe that n you should not have not even one Drop of Poison thats Suspecion in the Endless Ocean of Belief.