I spent much of my time with friends in school and college days. And even now i hang out with friends in the evenings and weekends. I always keep myself open to get new friends who may become close friends.
Mind feels to be very pleasant and comfortable while interacting and being with a friend. A friend can motivate and support if one feels low and help you to grow.
788 உடுக்கை இழந்தவன் கைபோல ஆங்கே இடுக்கண் களைவதாம் நட்பு.
KURAL: 786 ( நட்பதிகாரம்)
முகநக நட்பது நட்பன்று நெஞ்சத்து
அகநக நட்பது நட்பு.
Not the sheer smile on the face makes a friend sincere. But, that which makes the heart smile and rejoice is truly dear.